The Life Of A True Pacesetter: Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

Pacesetters break down barriers and help us see what is possible. Pacesetters are driven by values, not by their own ambitions or desires. True Pacesetters see the world as God…

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New Year, New Decade, New Resolve

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily chaos of raising children. And honestly, that can be a good thing sometimes. When we had our first baby, the pediatrician told us, “Don’t…

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Christmas Is Almost Here! Here’s a Reading Plan to Help Your Family Celebrate

Whoa—Christmas is almost here! Now, how do we lead our families through it?  Thanksgiving was just a few days ago, but we're already starting Advent. As dads, we want to take…

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Teach Your Kids “Me Last” in the Age of “Me First”

Have you ever played rock-paper-scissors to see who gets to go last—or to see who gets to sit in the backseat?  My college roommate would yell, “Backseat!” every time the two of…

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You Can’t Do It All. Stop Trying!

Birthday parties. Sports games and practices. Music recitals and lessons. Tutoring. Help in homeroom. Help with homework. Robotics. Scouts. Lunch with your child. After-school…

0 Comments11 Minutes

Helping Our Kids Grow in Favor with God and Man

How can our mission to help our children grow in favor with God and man be accomplished? As we rely on God’s grace to love him and love others, we show our children what it looks…

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What It Means to Help Your Kids Grow in Stature

Quick—think of someone you admire. What four or five attributes do you admire about them?  Maybe you thought of their talents or skills—or even their strength or their…

0 Comments15 Minutes

Teaching Your Children Wisdom Is Vital for Their Lives. Here’s How. 

I recently read an article about how artificial intelligence will transform so many things that the entire way schools teach children must change. The article argued that most of…

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Helping Your Kids Grow Up Like Jesus

How do you want your children to grow?  What are your ambitions for them—the places where you most want your kids to excel?  Is it too bold for us to want our kids to grow the…

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What Are You Afraid Of?

What are you afraid of?  I certainly have had my big moments of doubt and fear in my life. I’ll never forget being at the hospital with my wife to deliver our third child and…

0 Comments18 Minutes