Your Kids Change Fast: Here’s How to Keep Up

“I wish someone had told me.”

This statement could be made about so much in life—from college to marriage to retirement—but I’ve said it repeatedly about being a dad. I grew up an only child, and now I’m a father of five kids ranging in age from a newborn to a soon-to-be thirteen-year-old. There was so much I did not know about life in a large family. I’ve bumbled my way through over a decade now—learning as much from my failures as my successes about what it means to parent through various seasons of life.

3 Ways to Serve Your Family Without Adding More to Your Plate

Sometimes it feels like there aren’t enough hours in a day. After a long day at work or a stressful day corralling the kids, it can be difficult to muster enough emotional energy to serve those we love.

But what if you were able to serve those closest to you more effectively without adding anything to your calendar? What if all that was needed wasn’t more time, but simply a change in perspective?