New Year, New Decade, New Resolve

It’s easy to get caught up in the daily chaos of raising children. And honestly, that can be a good thing sometimes. When we had our first baby, the pediatrician told us, “Don’t worry about setting habits right now. You are in survival mode—just do what it takes to get through the day.”
It might sound like weird advice, but it was some of the best parenting advice I ever received. It freed us to focus on just helping our child the best way we knew how, minute by minute and hour by hour. If you have a newborn in your house or are dealing with another major change or challenge, I encourage you to lean on God’s strength to love your child as best you can today. He will carry you.

How to Create a Plan to Date Your Wife

On August 16, 2003, I made a promise. In a church packed with family and friends, I looked my best friend in the eye and, holding her hand, I spoke vows.

It’s one thing to speak vows; it’s another thing to keep vows. It’s one thing to dream big about your marriage; it’s another thing to pursue and implement that dream. A dream drives a marriage, and a plan cements the new realities you want to see in your marriage. To date your wife, you have to plan to date your wife. A ship without a sail and a rudder set in a deliberate direction will never make it to the other shore—it will simply drift at sea. A plan for how to date your wife is your sail and rudder—it will take you to your desired shore.