Worth a Look (June Edition)

There’s a lot of good stuff online—and a lot of not-so-great stuff. Once a month, to help you dig through the depths of the internet and find what’s worth your time, we will send…

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The Joy Of Being A Dad

In the first moments of meeting my first child, I specifically remember thinking, “What a gift! What a miracle!” I was blown away by the way God uses nature and humans to create…

0 Comments12 Minutes

Dads, You Were Made for This!

Most of us are good at achieving goals. We know where we want to go, and we map a route to get there—whether we are planning our careers or pursuing our hobbies. Our strategies…

0 Comments15 Minutes

Social Media, Smartphones, and Gaming: Practical Help for Your Family

"Can I have a smartphone?” “Just one more hour of Fortnite?” “Why can’t I be on Instagram?”If you haven’t fielded these questions from your kids yet, you’ll hear them soon enough.…

0 Comments22 Minutes